top 32 decklist for the recent YCS was updated and upon closer look you will realize something.
most top 4 players didnt main bottomless except for 2nd placing's dino rabbit. which means most of them opted for CED instead of bottomless.
what an interesting trend.
Effect: Return 1 monster on the field to its owner's hand.
1. in a meta widespread with insectors, bottomless dont really help much. it does nothing to save you from damsel. apart from the occasional centipede which players have no choice to summon, if you were given a choice of summoning damsel and centi, who would you summon first? answer is pretty obvious, to avoid bottomless.
2. insectors combo mainly involves summoning damnsel first, clear your backrow and allow their centipede to land safely. in any case, bottomless does nothing much to save you from the predicament.
3. current metas involves small monsters with low attack points, such as dandy, windup, insectors etc, we all know the advantage of having low attack points that is to escape bottomless.
4. CED saves your own monsters.
5. CED can get rid of irritating monsters such as stardust, gantetsu etc.
1. CED doesnt solve the problem, it merely delays your opponent for a turn and not solving it. if you find no outs to the situation by your next turn, be prepared to be flooded by insects when you end your turn.
maybe it is due to the reasons that many players from YCS mainly CED together with demon chain as their trap line up. if you have notice, there is something in common for both cards, they work on any monsters regardless of their attack which bottomless dont.
happy valentine's day. oh...belated. =)
Excuse the question, but where can I find the decklists?
there u go
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