Tournament report after a while, joined the tourney at cardmaster using the newly formed D3 (3=cubic) = Draw dandy draw deck.
Nicholas: X-Saber
Sunny: Six sam
Me: D3
Round 1
Opponent: Akira / Six sam
Score: XX
Game 1 : He lead all the way due to an early trishula, removing my glow up bulb, dandy. and when i thought i finally can reverse the game, i ate 3 x solemn warning. FML!
Game 2: Another early game led by him due to trishula, and when i thought i turned the table, with 1 goyo, 1 quickdraw, and 1 trishua (steal via goyo), and ready to synchro the goyo with the spore for scrap dragon to destroy his only card on field which was a gate way, he crow-ed away my spore. his field now was left was 1 gateway and 1 hand, which was a kizan searched earlier. next turn he top draw shinai. FML!
Round 2
Opponent: ?? / Lightlord
Socre: OXO
Game 1: usual librarian + formula + formula, with 4 synchro monster on field and 6 hand cards.
Game 2: Misplayed, and he had a gorz which i cant get rid off.
Game 3: Time was called with the game ending on my turn. no damage was dealt to either player, and i had 1 drill warrior removed from play via his effect. ryko ate away his jain, making him having 4 LL in grave, jumped judgment but he forget that the turn ends on me and he already attacked with his jain.
Round 3
Opponent: Jin Hao / Six sam
Score: OO
Game 1: was losing when i made a mistake of not blackrose him and drew into a gorz finally which pokes him slowly for game.
Game 2: Usual librarian + formula + formula combo.
anyway, 1 word for this deck. GAY!
Decklist as follow:
Monster (21):
Quickdraw x 2
junk synchron x 3
lonefire x 2
dandy x 2
spore x 1
glow up bulb x 1
gorz x 1
doppel warrior x 3
debris dragon x 2
sangan x 1
ryko x 2
card trooper x 1
Magic (18):
tuning x 3
reinforcement x 1
pot of avarice x 3
de-synchro x 1
one for one x 1
mind control x 1
cyclone x 2
trunade x 1
cold wave x 1
monster reborn x 1
charge of light brigade x 1
dark hole x 1
foolish burial x 1
Trap (1):
Call of the haunted x 1
After thought playing this deck, doppel warrior is strong. opponent revives monster from grave can jump, spore revive jump, glow up bulb revive jump etc etc etc!
Have fun drawing!
I never knew Doppel Warrior would be as powerful as this. Libarian+Formula+Formula combo... wow...
You can easily draw 5-9 cards in one turn while still having 3,4 synchro monsters on field. thats how fast and broken this deck is.
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