until the new structure deck comes out, perfect declarer deck cannot maximise its full potential due to the illegality of christia in official asia tournaments. however, i do realize that there is another card that can almost be the best substitute for christia.
Effect: This card cannot be special summoned. While this card is on the field, your opponent cannot special summon monsters.
Effect: This card cannot be destroyed by battle. When this card's controller takes any damage, destroy this card. If you tribute summon a light fairy-type monster, you can treat this 1 monster as 2 tribute monster for the tribute summon.
what serve as the christia and perfect declarer lock is the inability of your opponent to special summon and to negate the important card effects. without christia, or rather, a medium in which it prohibits your opponent from special summoning, your declarer can be gotten rid of rather easily.
hence, that is where vanity's ruler come into the picture. it serves the same function like christia, and at the same time, provide you with a beatstick. and with freya on field, it is a 2900 ATK monster. whats more, it allows you to special summon!
it is a fairy, meaning excess copies of it can be used as a food for declarer to dump. it is light, meaning honest is a good friend as well.
and with the help of gellenduo, summoning it can be relatively easy as keeping your gellenduo in defense position makes a wall. while waiting for the arrival of vanity's ruler.
to be honest, perfect declarer is an irritating deck!
Vanity Fiend beats Ruler in too many ways. Its better at doing the same job in just about every OTHER deck out there.
also allure, dad, etc etc.
true, but in this deck, ruler may be better, since itself is an angel and light. of course, it cannot be matched to christia if it can be played legally.
At least this card won't be "stolen" by a reborn. Not a bad substitute for Kristya
yeah, couldnt agree more. haha.
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