this is the beginning of a new era and new format since the official march 2010 banlist starts to take place. infernity is really the new "in" thing now and everyone is trying to get that highly sought after trishula and infernity archfiend. however, is it really worth the price?
it is still worth its price in terms of official tournament, how so? the reason why infernity deck is so strong and powerful lies in the fact that the synchro monster that it is able to bring out pawns the game. yes, that is trishula. which, sadly is unable to use in official tournament.
think again, how would infernity deck fare without trishula? the second best replacement would be mist wurm, again, it is not tournament legal. at least in the official tournament.
without these two, at least for now, what other monsters help you to win game? what other monsters can help to do the same devastating effect? does that means that it will not top the tournament? no, there is always hope!
lets recap the loop again, send infernity gun, revive necromancer and bettle, necromancer special summon infernity archfiend, archfiend take infernity gun from deck...
the situation puts you in a situation whereby you have 1 necromancer, 1 bettle, 1 archfiend on field and you have 1 gun in hand. things you can do now:
1. tribute bettle, special summon 2 more beetle from deck.
2. sychro beetle with archfiend for any level 6 monster that you prefer.
3. sychro 2nd beetle with the 6 star monster for stardust, it is there for protection.
4. field now: stardust + necromancer. send infernity gun, revive necromancer and beetle, necromancer effect special summon archfiend, and then add one more gun to hand.
5. synchro 2 necromancer and beetle for red demon(for maximum damage), send gun again, revived beetle and archfiend, archfiend effect take mirage, so that you can do the loop again if you have things like pot of benevolence, tranmigration prophecy. synchro for goyo guardian.
6. your field now, goyo guardian, stardust, red demon, infernity archfiend.
still too powerful, you have stardust to protect you, defender-breaker like red demon, stealer like goyo guardian, instant OTK as well. however, things may not turn turn out the way you want it to be. one thing that must be noted is the handsize of your opponent, which may turn over the table in his turn should he survive with cards like threatening roar, waboku.
if you have realize, infernity deck's combo basically exhaust all the cards within one turn. and it is either you die or your opponent die kind of situation.
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