was browsing through shriek's website just now and am surprised to see this deck:dimensional GB,with eatos incorporated into it.
Here is the link for those who are interested in browsing it yourself,though no decklist is available yet.
It kinda gives me a sort of "Eureka" feeling that guardian eatos fits in perfectly into a dimensional GB deck.Eatos gives you a 2500ATK high power monster that often dimensional GB decks lacks in.since the staple GB laquari only has 2100ATK when he is special summoned.hence,guardian eatos helps you in getting rid of monster that gladiator beast requires shrink or book of moon in order to achieve the same purpose.meaning that, you can save that precious shrink or book of moon for future predicament.
Guardian eatos allows free and easy special summoning, since the use of dimensional fissure often leave with your monster removed from play. of course there may be times when there are monsters left in grave,but indomitable gladiator beast and GB darius solves that part for you.
In a way,guardian eatos helps you to get rid of that irritating backrow for you, things like bottomless trap hole or torrential. after which you can easily normal summon another gladiator beast safety, since guardian eatos cleared that bottomless trap hole for you.
Considering the abovementioned points, it speeds your deck up and gives your gladiator beast more control. Gladiator beast decks have all along being doing almost the same thing over and over again: tag in, tag out; contact fusion; normal summon. hardly we see any special summon monsters aside from cyber dragon, even with that, 2100ATK is relatively low and we can only put one copy unlike guardian eatos. Let guardian eatos be the bait that attracts all the attention of your opponents traps and let the other gladiator beasts do the controlling.
Frankly speaking, this deck definitely refreshes our preception on dimensional gladiator beast and to a certain extent revolutionise the standard monster lineup for dimensional GB deck. Now, apart from the usual death kalibur knight, raioh, kycoo, you have an additional member to choose from..
And lets welcome dimensional eatos into the gladiator beast family.
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