Khatib tourney report.format used was tournament swiss to decide top 8 and single elimination for finals.
Deck used:DD gladiator beast.
Round 1
Opponent: Baha/MGS
Score: OXO
Game 1: can't really remember the details,i think my gyzarus was doing its job.
Game 2: got OTK by holy ancient wyvern and all the demon roar god monster after he brain control my monster.
Game 3: can't really remember also,please refer to his blog for more details.LOL.
Round 2:
Opponent: Xuan Kai/Dark Deck
Score: OXO
Game 1: can't remember how i win also,LOL.
Game 2: blunder that cost me the game.i had 1 bribe,1 call,1 chariot,1 waboku set and no monster.he synchro for black rose and blast the field.only until the match end did i realise that i can actually call my equeste that's in my grave and special summon it and can chain my chariot to his black rose.
Game 3: he got poke by my monsters and was down to 1500LP.he had 1 junk warrior and 1 carrier on field and set everything while i had 4 cards set on spell/trap zone and 1 laquari and 1 raioh.on my turn i brain control his junk warrior and synchro for black rose and blast the whole field(finally my turn to do so.haha.) and went on to use proving ground for the win!
Opponent: Benjamin/GB
Score: XOX
Game 1: died under the hand of mirro force,fatal mistake was made.
Game 2: drew many shrink and indomitable gladiator beast and control the game.won when he normal summoned rescue cat and i solemned it.
Game 3: another fatal error that is associated with mirror force yet again.i brain controlled his darius and normal summoned my own darius and attack.hit into mirror force.and that cost me another game when i should actually used his darius to attack first then tag in to special summon another gladiator beast of my own.then it is still not too late to normal summon another gladiator beast.
Quote one of the phrase that my friend used to say: gladiator beast is a control deck,once you are out of control you lose the game.
Anyway after today's tourney i felt that the deck was running rather smoothly after some minor changes made and was better than before.hope before Asia i can tune the deck to its maximum potential.
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