as the dates draw near to Asia Championship,everyone is busy thinking of the cards for their sidedeck against all the meta.glad that undead synchro will not be around since mezuki cannot be used,but there may still be variants of it.the following are cards that i think is worth siding into when you are playing against.
1. Light-imprisoning mirror.they will be severely crippled since they cannot use their effects or to mill.
2. D-fissure for the gladiator beast,no honest,no guardna,no wulf jumping around and no charge of light brigade.
3. kycoo.they cannot remove guardna,and slowly remove their monsters one by one.also do note that you should remove their monsters that has only one copy in their grave,to prevent judgment dragon from coming down.kycoo is a monster so it can be destroyed easily,unlike magic or trap where you only have heavy storm,MST,catastrophe etc.
Grave BF:
1. Dark-imprisoning mirror,shut down their vayu engine,grepher and armageddon knight and DAD.
2. same thing,D-fissure for gladiator vayu in grave=no swarming around.
3. soul release,i know its kinda weird to put that in.but it has huge potential in graveyard removal.
Gladiator beast:
1. Swallop flip.its a counter trap + good effect against gladiator beast.
2. Mirror of oath,destruction power + free draw.
3. Royal oppression. no more tagging for the poor gladiator beast.
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