so, exceed summon is the next big thing coming up. and i think infernity MIGHT be making a come back, and i emphasize on MIGHT. hopefully the subscription promo is a useful card.
this is what we have for overlay:
1. summon priest into archfiend. overlay for rank 4. and you still get to search for infernity gun, provided your hand is empty.
2. beetle tribute himself, get 2 more beetles out. overlay for rank 2. and you can still synchro summon it if you want.
3. necromancer, can special summon infernity beast with a decent effect that doesnt allow your opponent to activate trap/magic until after damage step. overlay for rank 3. you can allow revive beetle for synchro of course.
see how versatile this deck can be? you can have now a variety of choices, either synchro summon or overlay. depending on the situation.
other cool monsters great for overlay includes:
1. evil thorn.
2. deep sea coalancoth
3. deep sea diva
of course the list is not exhaustive, but thats the few that i can think of in my mind now.
one point to take note of though is that, tokens are still not officially announced whether it can be used for overlay. if that is so, scapegoat might be a great candidate. haha!
by the way, six sam is also another great deck for overlaying.